I received the following comment overnight:
This is surgical procedure that replaces damaged hip joints. Generally, the damage to the hip joint is due to severe osteoarthritis or possibly necrosis (defined as death of tissue) of the hip joint.No shit, Sherlock.
It's spam for a Las Vegas ortho centre. Not really very appropriate. I had kept an earlier comment from this person as they had offered encouragement as well as posting their site but following this, I got rid of both. I have no problem with people providing comments that relate to what the post is about and linking to their website especially if they have expertise in the the area.
Comments like this show that they haven't actually read the posts properly, nor have any real respect for me or my readers.
If you want me to link to your site, please contact me and offer some content that is of benefit to my readers or actually read the posts and provide some real information that is at least interesting. I'm interested in talking hips and I'm sure my readers are too - it's not too difficult to engage people by providing content that they actually want. You are wasting your time telling me what a hip replacement is.
If I don't know what it is by now....