In the next, each leg take turns in pushing forward while the other lifts.

In particular if you remember my intense dislike to the reverse knee pulls, well, that's changed. It isn't that much of an issue any more. I thought it was because I didn't feel comfortable looking down at the ground thinking that I would fall flat on my face. I guess it must have been just general discomfort that I wasn't interpreting correctly.
I'm also back on the foam roller and balancing quite well. I tried this exercise with both arms up off the ground at the same time but I'm not quite stable enough for that yet and get a little wobbly. Maybe by next week I will have the strength back that I require!
I'm back on the bosu as well. I can stand and do squats and also from standing transfer weight from side to side. I stood pretty close to the wall when I got onto the bosu since though I really wanted to try it out and see if I was ready yet, I didn't want to fall on my ass either!
Friday was a very productive session. I am starting to see how much more I will be able to progress past what I was able to do pre-op. There are a few exercises that I was doing about six years ago that I am yet to try again but I think that I will be quickly moving on to more that I wasn't able to do at all. One of the main that I was able to do back then requires me to stand on the reformer (one leg on the bit that I'm laying on in the top pictures and one on the other where the wooden panel and the feet support it - the bar bit goes down). I'm not quite comfortable with the idea of getting up there just yet but I'm sure after a few more times on the bosu, I'll gain enough confidence to get up there and give it a go. I don't think that the exercise itself will be difficult for me in the slightest, it's just being that far off the ground that I'm not quite 'good' with yet. I'll keep you all posted!
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