Friday, March 18, 2011

Swollen Knees and Fatigue

My knees are revolting...  as in revolution revolting..  not disgusting revolting (though some might see that the melon like shape is revolting but it really isn't that bad.)  I think they might already be missing the femoral head that is about to disappear and crying in sympathy.  I told them quite sternly that if they didn't start behaving, they would be next on the list to be replaced with a newer, younger and more attractive model!  No not really - not keen on knee replacements, apparently they *really* hurt, rehab is harder, the satisfaction levels are lower (than hips) and I really don't have a need for those.  I do hope that once the hips are done the knees will calm down.

For the last few days I have had mildly sore, majorly swollen knees, likely a result of overdoing it last week, ending up with compensating by rolling in on the femur and putting extra stress on the knees as they weren't being used properly, causing inflammation.  There was no heat (like there was in my right hip last week) so hoping it is just a reaction to the alignment issue rather than the RA flare.  I got an 'it's possible' that this has caused the inflammation from my physio so stuck with that.  Post-treatment I came home with tubigrips that I left on until this morning and like magic my knees are the normal swollen kind not the extra swollen kind.   (Since I was a kid and first had the onset of the JRA, there has been thickening of the synovial fluid. In the beginning there was also inflammation.  Now, my normal range CRP and ESR indicate that it isn't inflamed and causing joint damage which is good!)  I was pretty worn out yesterday and slept a lot longer than normal last night and could still do with a nap this afternoon.  Fatigue is reasonably typical for me when things start to hurt.   I think a lot of it is to do with restless sleep and last night I got to catch up a bit :)

While I was at the physio visit yesterday I followed up the 'what have I done to myself now questions'   with a bunch of alignment questions.  Specifically I am curious as to whether the anterior tilt of the pelvis can be corrected.  As my body has accommodated for the lack of joint spacing in the hip, parts around have moved to give myself more spacing in the joint making it more comfortable to walk.  This was evident pretty early in the piece with a slight lengthening obvious when I started regular physio and regular pilates.  ( I swear I am taller when I come out of physio - and no they don't put me on a stretching rack :)  I don't think that I can get it back to a proper neutral position, though it will be interesting to see how things change once the hip spacing issue is fixed.

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