This week has been a little all over the place. It kind of started to go off the rails on Tuesday and I haven't really gotten back on top of things. That was the day that brought with it a series of unusual and unwanted visual effects in front of my eyes. It was kind of like there was a filter in front of my eyes causing blurry sections and flashing lights that lasted for about half an hour. My head hurt but not to what I would expect a migraine to be so I wasn't too sure what the problem was. My husband was a little more concerned than I was and shuffled me off to the doctors to make sure that it wasn't a post-op complication.
After a full debrief to make sure there wasn't anything seriously wrong, the doctor believed that they were migraine like symptoms even though there was no incapacitating headache with them. I also received a pretty stern lecture about how serious this type of thing can be if accompanied by other symptoms like numbness or tingling. I promised that I would get myself to hospital if that happened. He also requested that I get my eyes tested and a retinal photographs taken to make sure that all is good with my eyes.
The earliest that I could be seen by the optometrist was today. I received a phone call this morning saying that they were sick and the next earliest was Monday. I wasn't particularly keen on waiting that long as the mild headache that started on Tuesday is still there and driving me crazy. I wanted someone else to look and see to make sure there wasn't anything else going.
After just about every test possible and a check of my previous results, my retinas are healthy looking, there are no clots in the blood vessels, it's simply a case of needing glasses for reading 'sometimes'. The right eye needs a slight prescription (or had a slight prescription, I'm not really sure on the terminology with eyes) and apparently is mild enough to compensate unless I am fatigued or stressed. Fatigue is pretty well part of my life at the moment so it looks like I need a bit of help now rather than in another couple of years time. So I need glasses. Well one eye needs a 'glass' but they generally come in pairs these days. I'm not sure a monocle would suit my look.
Looking back, I'm wondering whether subconsciously this is part of the reason that I haven't started reading again. Maybe eye discomfort that I wasn't really aware of above everything else that was going on led to me avoiding reading as much. I don't know. All I know is that my head hurts and I really did think that I was finished breaking down for a little while. I hope that's the last for a little while yet. They should arrive within a week.
Tomorrow morning is hydro and then I think I'm going to have a nap during the day. I'm just tired. It happens.
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