Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Range Update

Measurements were taken at physio on Monday and for the passive ranges of hip flexion I'm at 100 degrees on the left and 91 on the right.  Active ranges are a couple of degrees less. They weren't that good pre-op and I'm still getting weekly improvement.  That has to slow at some point and I won't be disappointed when that happens.  I think that side of my progress is more of a bonus now with my focus on improving my gait.  Ranges are all in functional ranges now and though there will still be exercises to improve them further, I will be ok with slower progress.

I still get a little confused about the logic of how the left side got so far ahead of the right.  The left started off well behind with the drop foot and a splint that I really didn't really wear for that long.  When I started walking, the left was the side that was most difficult to lift.

The best guess to the logic as to how it took over was that while the right side was taking most of my weight and compensating for a lack of strength on the other side, the left could spend its days actually working on range.  The muscles on the left aren't as tight and the movement on that side feels a lot more fluid in the higher range.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know the full details of the foot drop issue or how you were moving with it,could it have made a difference that the left thigh and hip had to work harder to lift the dropped foot up higher to move it and subsequently became stronger ?
