Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sleep In Saturday

I didn't really get out of bed this morning.  It was after twelve by the time I decided that I was too hungry to nap anymore and needed some breakfast.  I wasn't home too late last night and there was only one glass of red wine but I have been paying for it all day!  It has been a full week and there were a few nights there where I didn't sleep well, so it isn't too surprising that I needed to catch up on some snooze time.

Last night I went out with some of the people that I used to work with.  As I was getting ready to go out, I figured that I might give boots a go.  Last winter I couldn't wear them unless I had some help to do the zippers up.  The zipper runs down the inside of the leg right to the sole of the shoe near the arch.  Pre-op I couldn't reach that.  I managed to get tights on and my boots which I was pretty pleased by.  I did joke to my sister that I might need her to come around this morning if I couldn't get them off when I got home last night.  As I headed out, I really wasn't sure if would be able to get them off when I got home but I wasn't too concerned about that.  I've slept in my shoes before after a night out and overdone it.  Things can only get better from here on in so it was worth a try.

It was good to catch up.  Everyone has gone on to do different things and has new stories about the things they are doing.  It would be awesome if there was a project in the future that we could all work on again.  We had a really good team there.  It really is a shame that it all ended.  Sitting around talking about the good old days is surely a sign that I'm getting older.  This was a very quiet night for this crowd.  Likely another sign that we are getting old.  It was a good night.  We should do this more often.  Life just gets busy and moves on to different things.  I'm not quite sure what mine is moving on to.

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