Thursday, June 16, 2011

Back to work planning

Today I went into my old office to plan going back.  This is a little bit more complicated than just going back to work since I don't really have a full time job to go back to.  This was one of the reasons that we decided to have the operation now.  There may be some opportunities to increase my work load but it really will be a case of wait and see.  To start off with I am increasing my one day to three days a week and starting a new project.  In a lot of ways it's good because I can go back sooner than I would had I been trying to go back to a full time position.  I'm not sure I have the energy yet for a full time job as well as the rehabilitation exercises that I still need to do.  The positive side of this arrangement is that I have all week to get everything done.  About 25% of it needs to be done by Wednesday and ideally I would have it all finished by then but I do have some room to juggle things around a bit.  The juggling room will let me make sure that I get all of my exercises done.  I know that I have more activity on the days that I go out but this doesn't cover all of the muscles that really need to be worked each day.  I've heard stories of people that don't continue with the rehab and are limited because of it.

I'm at 10 weeks post op tomorrow.  Statistically 80% of the improvements happen within the first 12 weeks, so I really need to make sure that I follow the program and stretch it out.  I guess it is all averages out though and there are a lot of people's stories that I have read who are up an walking a few miles within a month.  Surely that has to sway things the other way a bit and I'm just on the other side right?  The ones that still see steady improvement over a longer period of time in the beginning.

I'm not sure if it is my imagination or whether there are some real changes in the last few days.  I'll ask Reese when I see him at hydro in the morning.  Today I felt good so I know that I can push a little bit more in the session tomorrow.  The knot in my shoulder has almost worked it's way out and my burn doesn't hurt anymore so it's been a good day.

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