Sunday, June 12, 2011

Going out for Lunch

Today and yesterday, I went out for lunch.  It was good to be out, even in the cold.  A change of scenery for a little while has been good for my mental health.  I'm becoming a little too comfortable staying at home and need a little nudge in the direction of living life on the 'outside' every now and again.

Today was a bigger day with a lot more walking.  We headed to Garden City for lunch and after eating, we went for a walk for the length of the centre and back.  I'm not quite sure what the distance that I walked was but it was pretty decent amount for a single trip. I was tiring about two-thirds the way back to the car but we had planned a stop for cake and coffee on the way back and it was just about at the right time.   I think that I could have done another trip about the same distance after a bit of a longer break.

I also had a go at an elliptical machine and a recumbent bike to see what was possible at this stage of the rehab process.  The bike is out for the time being as the flexion range isn't comfortable and it is difficult to get my feet in the pedals without assistance.  The elliptical was really good.  It is a little difficult to get on to, though possible and no more difficult that getting in and out of the car.  The movement is smooth and could be a good way to increase my activity levels.  Walking is cheaper and just as good an option, though I'm not really confident enough to go out walking on my own especially with how hilly it is and how few pathways there are around here.   I have been thinking about it for a little while and still not sure which way is the best way to go from here.  I need to up the activity a bit more but I don't think that I can walk around the house anymore than I already do.  It takes a lot of loops around a house to do the distance that I did today and I'm not sure I can do that around the house.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to drive.  My sister is coming to take me to a parking lot so that I can learn to drive again.  I'm not too keen to try and take the car out of my driveway here.  I'm just a little bit concerned that if I'm not ready, I might end up rolling into the garage door or maybe the house at the end of the street.  I'm sure that it won't be that difficult, I think that I have the range, reflexes and strength to use the pedals and once again it's just confidence.  It seems to be that's what is lacking at the moment to take things to the next level.  I'm just not quite sure how to get that back.  As the weather cools, I seem to becoming even more comfortable staying at home which really isn't a good thing.  Everyone is busy getting on with life, it's just seems easier for me to stay here.  This really isn't the right attitude to move forward but right now that's just how it is.  There needs to be some change or catalyst to get me out of this slump.  I'm just not sure what it should be.

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