Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pain Relief

I put up with the pain for over a day before I realised that I could take some pain relief.  I took an ibruprofen before bed and it seemed to help enough that I got to sleep and slept well.  I don't know why I didn't consider pain relief as an option.  The pain that I had wasn't one that I was used to or can ever recall having.  It wasn't that sharp pain that I was used to but it was still able to stop me from doing things - like full weight bearing.  It wasn't as bad as the old pain, even though it did hurt a fair bit, I'd describe it more as irritating and limiting than bad pain.   It was irritating enough that I wasn't able to get comfortable enough to sleep on Friday night and I woke on Saturday morning feeling pretty rough.  As the day progressed, things were a little better but by the end of the day I was pretty much back where I started.  

As I contemplated doing this all over again today, I was a little upset that I had taken what seemed like two big jumps backwards when I had been doing so well.  Now that it's been so long, I don't get much feedback to help me determine the improvements that I don't see for myself either, so the little that I do see seemed to be stripped away which is ridiculous since it was solved with nothing more than a single ibruprofen.  I'm someone that has dealt with far more pain than this for a very long time and yet this little episode threw me for quite a while.  It was just a bit of a reminder of what was and how uncertain the future is.  It's representative of change that I don't quite understand and don't quite know how to deal with yet.  I'll get there in my own time and until I get there people are just going to have to wait.

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