Saturday, June 18, 2011

What the BMHR's look like / Where they are now

I have digital copies of xrays that were taken on the day of my surgical review.  I can open them in a piece of free software called OsiriX and export them into a format that I can open in photoshop to remove the pieces that I don't particularly want to show everyone.  I've also rotated the image so that the left is on the left (which probably doesn't make sense - but hey I'm new to this and am having fun playing!).  When I have a bit more time I'll have another go at getting some clearer copies up that haven't been cropped so tightly (that was to hide the outline of my body, which I'm sure can be removed with a little bit more work.  This process also had the side effect of darkening the detail of the femurs, so I need to go about the process a little bit differently).  In the meantime, I thought I'd upload something so you can see my new parts in place!


  1. Very Impressive!!, especially considering they were fitted at the same time.
    I cant believe the size of the pins holding the acetabular cups in place.

  2. My bone quality wasn't good and the big screws needed to be brought in. I think when they put in two, they are smaller ones but I couldn't have two because I apparently have 'petite bones'. This is caused by the prednisone that I had when I was a child.

    I think that they look like wireless antennas :)
