Saturday, April 16, 2011

8 Days Post Op

There is lots to fill in, though I'm still not up to spending much more than a few minutes at a time focused on any one thing yet so I'll have to come back a bit later on to fill in the gaps of what has happened in the last week.

I arrived in the rehab ward yesterday afternoon, which was a few days behind schedule.  I was held up in the ortho ward in the main section of the hospital that deals with people in a more acute state of illness.  Basically I had some problems getting on the right types of meds and also required three units of blood over the space of a couple days.

It looks like I am going to be in this ward for about two weeks depending on my progress as there are some clear goals that must be achieved before I can go home.  Specifically I need to be able to get out of bed on my own, upgrade from the rollator to crutches to assist with walking and be able to get upstairs.  I'm not sure if the first one or the last one seems like a harder goal to achieve.

Overall, pain levels are a lot lower than what I was expecting.  I didn't think that I would be fine with a brufen and panadeine forte cocktail, though that's what I am able to take without hallucinating (hard drugs were evil - more about that another time) and I seem to be doing ok in that regard.  What is killing me is the weakness.  I didn't expect that all these muscles that had been worked hard in the months leading up would suddenly be so tired.

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