Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spilled Milk

There is no use crying over it, right?

Even if there is coffee in the milk?

Probably not.

But that's where I was at this morning when I managed just that when I arrived at Physio today (all over towels and pillows....  sorry!)

Now, it was good coffee, but probably not quite good enough for a cry, it wasn't like the last cup of coffee that I would ever drink again and it really wasn't the problem.  The day just didn't start off well.  I woke up tired and sore having not been able to sleep that well.  Panadol Osteo really doesn't cut it to replace the anti-inflamatories that I was on until last Friday.   This is probably the longest I've ever gone without something stronger and sleep is hard to come by at the moment.  I think that naps may be in order when I feel that I might actually be able to sleep for a little while.  There were a few other little things that managed to fray the nerves before I actually got to the point where the coffee was a really big issue but even so, really not a proportionate emotional response.  It's probably just as well I was somewhere where people know me well, as it really was quite an episode, one that I really wouldn't want to have out in the real public.

The day turned around and I got over the weepies and felt a lot better after an hour of Physio and another cup of coffee.

I caught up with an old friend for that second cup of coffee and got a chance for a bit of a sit down and breather to keep the physio calm and relaxed mood going on.  The pain subsided for a bit and I got a chance to get stuck into the last few work tasks so that I can handover to the person taking over.  I pushed through til about 10:30 tonight to get everything done so I won't have to work again before the op.  I finished up about the time that my husband arrived back home after being away for a while.  He wasn't definitely coming home today as he was still in exile but after my little episode this morning.  

I need nap time and relax time now that my husband is home and we are this close to game day.

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